
Accretion - Creating Texture With Encaustic Medium

Accretion - Creating Texture With Encaustic Medium

In this blog post I will discuss several different accretion techniques that I use in my work. First, let's start by reviewing the definition of the word accretion. ac·cre·tion əˈkrēSH(ə)n/ noun the...

Accretion - Creating Texture With Encaustic Medium

In this blog post I will discuss several different accretion techniques that I use in my work. First, let's start by reviewing the definition of the word accretion. ac·cre·tion əˈkrēSH(ə)n/ noun the...

Combining Techniques, Materials and Ideas

Combining Techniques, Materials and Ideas

I am a person who likes to explore, experiment and discover with my art process. One of the things that I find most exciting about encaustic is the almost unlimited...

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Combining Techniques, Materials and Ideas

I am a person who likes to explore, experiment and discover with my art process. One of the things that I find most exciting about encaustic is the almost unlimited...

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Tools Of The Trade | Part 2 Incising

Tools Of The Trade | Part 2 Incising

In my last blog I talked about the various tools that one can use to make incisions when working with encaustic medium. There are a lot of options out there,...

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Tools Of The Trade | Part 2 Incising

In my last blog I talked about the various tools that one can use to make incisions when working with encaustic medium. There are a lot of options out there,...

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