Natural Skunk Paintbrushes With Bamboo Handles SB407, SB408
Natural Skunk Paintbrushes With Bamboo Handles SB407, SB408
This listing is for a natural skunk tail paintbrush. This brush has natural bristles that can come to a soft point and have a soft splay. This brush is pictured with ink-on-paper (Brusho and India ink in combination) examples that were painted using this brush.
These brushes can make very delicate softer multiple lines.
See the example below.
The handles are bamboo and have a burned-in pattern and leather hanging strap.
Brush 1:
- 3.25" bristle length
- The handle is 9" in length.
- SB407
Brush 2:
- 3" bristle length
- The handle is 6.5" in length.
- SB408
The bristles on these brushes are very soft and flexible. It will make both wider and very fine lines because of the natural tips.
SKU: SB407, SB408